5 steps to best oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is an absolute must in the guard and cared for if you want to have good teeth. However, most people ignore the basic facts healthy teeth and suffer the consequences of it. All this can be avoided if they take a few steps to maintain oral hygiene.

Step 1: healthy food is the first step that you should take and ask your kids (if you are a parent) to take as well. As a rule, avoid sugary foods (especially those sticky foods). These foods tend to get accumulated between the teeth and gums and become a breeding ground for bacteria erode enamel. The result of this is a cavity that looks ugly and can be painful as well.

Get a diet rich in calcium and other minerals. It helps in taking care of your teeth. Avoid beverages like black coffee or black tea. They contain the fluorination of fluoride can lead to loss of teeth. Also avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Step 2: Develop the habit of maintaining oral hygiene. This can be done in two ways, by regularly brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing after every meal with. Also, adopt the habit of brushing your teeth properly. The exact method for brushing teeth is in motion up and down (and not to the side). Next, use a mouthwash to floss your teeth and always use toothpaste that has fluoride in it.

Step 3: Make your own dental care. Look for signs of cavities, broken, damaged or bleeding gums, sensitivity to things that are hot or cold and bad breath. If you find signs then it is best to see a dentist immediately. This timely visit to the dentist can save a lot of pain and money.

Step 4: Conduct regular visits to the dentist. The doctor is the best person to judge the success of the measures taken by you. If things are not working then appropriate measures can be adopted by him to stop the rot in your mouth. Visits every six months is considered good for teenagers and adults. Furthermore, children 1 year and above should be taken to the dentist every six months.

Step 5: Get out of the habit of Smoking: Smoking or chewing tobacco is harmful not only to the lungs but also to the mouth as well. Tobacco gets nicotine accumulation in between the teeth and allows harmful bacteria to breed. In extreme cases of tobacco can lead to oral cancer as well.

After 5 steps above can help you maintain a beautiful smile that nature has given you. On the contrary, clean teeth and healthy gums can give your confidence a big boost

Oral and dental health of pregnant women should receive serious attention

Why? This is because the impact can affect the pregnancy. One concern about the dental health of pregnant women is to disseminate information on how to care for your teeth properly since before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Proper dental care will help improve the welfare of mothers and babies.

Why oral health is important for pregnant women?

1. During pregnancy the mother needs nutritious food intake.

When women experience disturbances in the mouth and the teeth meet the needs of the food will be delayed. Especially when pregnant women undergo dental caries or cavities porous and mother cannot chew food properly, resulting in less fetal and infant nutrition impaired growth in the womb.

2. Pregnant women undergo hormonal changes that both progesterone and estrogen.

The impact of the hormonal changes of pregnancy can affect the health of the mouth and teeth, for example the first trimester pregnant women often vomit and excess saliva, wanting to spit constantly. If teeth not diligently rinses and brush, the germs and bacteria grow easily, bad breath (halitosis) and mildew or canker sores in the oral cavity.

3. Increased risk of gum inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

This is due to the softening of the gum tissue area due to the increase in hormones. Sometimes arise colored bumps reddish swelling of the gums, and the gums bleed easily

4. Impaired comfort and less frequent breaks due to toothache and pain.

During pregnancy experienced dental caries condition will worsen due to the absorption of calcium from the body of pregnant women who needed a baby to the process of growth.

5. Pregnant women with the condition that severely damaged teeth will stimulate the release of the hormone prostaglandin.

The hormone stimulates the onset of contractions of the uterus. When the uterus contracts, it causes premature birth and even miscarriage can occur.

6. Infections in the teeth of pregnant women can infect the fetus in the womb.

According to research published Journal Of Obstetrics Gynecology, Yiping Han researchers from Case Western Reserve University in 2010, the mother reported that her gums are infected can transmit the infection to the fetus through the placenta circulation. In the cases studied proved Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria which infect the gums mother found the body of the fetus and cause miscarriage. Meanwhile, North Carolina found that the bacterium Streptococcus mutans which is the cause of tooth decay can spread throughout the body via the blood circulation, and can then reach the heart and cause a disruption in the maternal heart.

How prevention can be done to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth?

Before you get pregnant:

1. Make brushing your teeth properly and brush circular motion with caution in between - between the teeth. Brush your teeth towards the top down and the bottom up instead.

2. Brushing your teeth regularly with toothpaste twice a day and corresponding night at bedtime

3. Avoid too hot, cold and acid, snacking and nibbling too hard.

4. Avoid the habit of poking holes in the teeth, especially with a tool that is not clean. If there are holes, perform dental care to doctors.

5. When using removable dentures can do a treatment with brushed clean and soaked with liquid mouthwash that does not grow mold or bacteria

6. Clean plaque or tartar on a regular basis to the dentist. Six months before marriage oral health checks to doctors

7. Avoid smoking, because nicotine poison damage tooth enamel

TIPS on dental care for pregnant women:

1. Use a soft toothbrush and size.

2.  pregnant women often vomit or salivate. do not forget to rinse with warm water laced with salt. Gargle with warm water is also useful for cleaning the rest of the fat - fat in the mouth and between the teeth

3. When you need to choose toothpaste that does not stimulate the allergy, especially for sensitive gums

4. Make brushing your teeth properly and brush circular motion with caution in between - between the teeth. Brush your teeth towards the top down and the bottom up instead.

5. If there are health problems in the mouth that need to use mouthwash, you should pay attention to the label on the packaging of information contraindicated for pregnant women. Use mouthwash primarily to address the bacteria that cause bad breath and clean up the acidity in the oral cavity for pregnant women should consult a dentist.

6. Have dentures to do maintenance on a regular basis

7. Consumption of fibrous fruits that contain lots of vitamin C

8. Meet the needs of calcium as recommended by your doctor or midwife, especially from a natural source of nutrients.

how to do an effective dental care

Since childhood, you probably already know how to do an effective dental care. Most of you are brushing your teeth twice a day, doing regular flossing and visiting the dentist every 6 months. However, in reality you are still experiencing problems with your teeth and mouth. It then spent a lot of money in your pocket to pay a fee that must be paid to keep doing the best dental care.
dental care
actually when it comes about the dental health, all people will do whatever is best although the price is quite expensive. So what did you do wrong? Please check the list below. there are possibilities you do wrong about dental care.

1. Brushing your teeth excessively. Many people tend to believe that the more they brush it will likely lower risk of dental disease. This is a very big mistake which is recommended to brush your teeth no more than 1-2 times a day, if you brush your teeth you should use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste right.

2. Brushing your teeth after eating foods that are too sweet or too sour. This is the wrong solution. You should brush your teeth immediately after consuming acidic drinks or dessert.
dental care
3. Vinegar in a salad dressing. Adding products such as vinegar or lemon juice to your salad is very harmful to your teeth. Try to avoid adding vinegar in a salad dressing like this.

4. Diabetes. The disease is associated with increased levels of glucose in body fluids, including saliva. This is why people with diabetes usually have poorer dental health than those who do not have diabetes. Email your teeth into a soft and very sensitive when under the influence of too sweet or acidic materials, and scrubbing with a toothbrush will not yield a good thing. That is why it is better using mouthwash and brushes your teeth no less than 30 minutes after you eat.

5. Teeth whitening procedures. Sometimes, teeth whitening procedure you can do at home most of the damage tooth enamel. Therefore, you should go to the dentist to undergo a teeth whitening procedure as compared to doing it yourself at home, this is also to reduce the risk of unwanted
dental care
6. Too much drinking herbal tea. According to British dentists from the University Of Bristol Dental School several fruit-flavored herbal tea is sometimes very acidic and can cause tooth decay, you should choose black or green tea has many health benefits and positive effects on dental health.

7. Consuming sports drinks. These products are packed with the degree of acid and sugar content can help increase energy levels. A study has shown that sports drinks 30 times more corrosive than water. Try to avoid consuming sports drinks.

8. White and red wines. Research has shown that red wine and white wine cause tooth decay.

9. Using eye drops. The scientists found that taking anti-inflammatory eye drops are also associated with worsening dental health and tooth decay.

10. Swimming in public pools. Habits like swimming in a public pool can increase your chances of suffering from dental erosion. According to a study involving a sample of 500 people, it was found that about 66% had yellow teeth and other types of tooth decay as a result of permanent contact with chlorine in the bath water.